芝原 隼人
Hayato Shibahara
Engineer Cafe community manager
[08/15/2024] Interviewd by “JPX money bu” about Saikyo AI Dancer.
[08/01/2024] Joined KERNEL by DEEPCORE as an entrepreneur.
[07/31/2024] Joined QXLV “LEAPS” demo day as an entrepreneur.
[07/10/2024] Selected for the Future Technology Support Fund.
[07/10/2024] Intereviewed by MOMOCHIHAMA STORE about Saikyo AI Dancer.
[06/24/2024] Joined Fukuoka Growth Pitch as an entrepreneur.
[06/19/2024] Intereviewed by FUKUOKA TNC NEWS about Saikyo AI Dancer
[06/02/2024] Intereviewed by Nishi Nippon Shimbun about me
[06/01/2024] Joined AWS Activate Program as a startup founder
[05/29/2024] Intereviewed by Nikkei about enginner entrepreneurship
[04/26/2024] Joined QXLV “LEAPS” program as an entrepreneur
[04/23/2024] Featured in Yomiuri Shimbun about the launch of “MADSOFT”
[04/22/2024] Featured in FUKUOKA MAYOR'S OFFICE about the launch of
[04/22/2024] Featured in Nikkei about the launch of “MADSOFT”
[04/22/2024] Featured in TNC about the launch of “MADSOFT”
[04/22/2024] Appeared on the FBS about the launch of “MADSOFT”
[04/22/2024] Appeared on the Kbcnews about the launch of “MADSOFT”
[04/22/2024] Announced the launch of “MADSOFT” in Fukuoka City Channel
[04/22/2024] Established a new company “MADSOFT” in Fukuoka Growth Next
[04/16/2024] Featured in Osaka TEQS Business Accelerator case studies
[04/14/2024] Joined Deilight Ventures “V-Challenge Tech” kick-off event
[04/01/2024] Moved in Fukuoka Growth Next as an entrepreneur
[03/16/2024] Received 3 prizes in the FUKUOKA STARTUP ELETE demo day
- Excellence award
- Jury's special award (Hiroki Nakamura)
- Jury's special award (Kazuhiro Fukuda)
[03/14/2024] Partnered with “Microsoft for Startups” throgh Osaka TEQS
[03/06/2024] Joined Deilight Ventures “V-Challenge Tech” as an
[02/26/2024] Appeared on the NHK Closeup Gendai program as an
[02/09/2024] Featured in the Fukuoka city government newsletter
[01/25/2024] Joined Osaka TEQS Generative AI Quest as an entrepreneur
[01/07/2024] Appointed as an Engineer Cafe community manager
[12/16/2023] Received M-SMILE prize at Heros League 2023
[12/08/2023] Intereviewed by Nikkei about Engineer Friendly City Fukuoka
[12/03/2023] Received Engineer Friendly City Fukuoka Award 2023
[12/01/2023] Joined FUKUOKA STARTUP ELITE program as an entrepreneur
[2023] Ultimate AI Dancer
Developed a service that generates choreography from any type of music,
reducing the production costs of 3D animation.
[2022] LIVEMasq
Developed a service that protects privacy by applying mosaic effects to
individuals, excluding specific people, in real-time during video
[2021] Auto Pixelation
Developed a web application that applies mosaic effects to faces in
videos and outputs the processed content.
[2021] Andy Photo Book
Developed a web application to select photos that meet specific criteria
from a vast collection of images.
PhD in Media Design (Graduate School of Media Design, Keio University) -
Did not complete
Network Media Project (Prof. Hideki Sunahara)
MA in Media Design (Graduate School of Media Design, Keio University)
Network Media Project (Prof. Hideki Sunahara)
Master's thesis
A proposal and an evaluation of the system that enables sharing
kinetic information of growing vegetables automatically
山内正人,藤枝慶,芝原隼人,安澤太郎,西條鉄太郎,廣井慧,砂原秀樹;Aroots:個人間での野菜育成を促進させるコミュニケーションシステムの提案 , 情報処理学会論文誌コンシューマ・デバイス&システム, 情報処理学会,
Vol.2, No.1, pp.20-27, 2012年3月
芝原隼人, 廣井慧, 山内正人, 砂原秀樹:
センサデータと動画による家庭菜園のための知識共有システムの提案 , 日本ソフトウェア科学会第28回大会, 2011年9月
藤枝慶, 芝原隼人, 西條鉄太郎, 安澤太郎, 廣井慧, 山内正人, 砂原秀樹:
Aroots:野菜育成を促進させるコミュニケーションシステムの提案, 情報処理学会マルチメディア, 分散, 協調とモバイルシンポジウム 2011
論文集, 2011年7月 [野口賞受賞]
Shinsuke Akabane, Johnson Leu, Ruri Araki, Jae Won Choi, Emily Chang,
Saori Nakayama, Hayato Shibahara, Madoka Terasaki, Susumu Furukawa,
Masa Inakage:
ZOOTOPIA: a tangible and accessible zoo for hospitalized children.
SIGGRAPH ASIA (Posters), 2010
BA in Engineering (Department of Electronic Engineering, Keio
Nakano Laboratory (Prof. Nobuhiko Nakano)
Bachelor's thesis
Proposal of 1/f Noise Reduction Method for Brain-Machine Interfaces
Graduated from Keio Shiki Senior High School
Club activities
Rowing club (Cox position)